International Seminar on “UN Deca..

International Seminar on “UN Decade of Ocean Science- Imperatives for Bangladesh” held by BSMRMU

Dhaka, 17 November 2022

An International Seminar entitled "UN Decade of Ocean Science- Imperatives for Bangladesh" was organized by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University (BSMRMU) at Dhaka’s Krishibid Institution. Hon’ble Deputy Education Minister Barrister Mohibul Hassan Chowdhoury, MP graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Attending as Special Guest Rear Admiral Md Khurshed Alam (retd), Secretary of Maritime Affairs Unit, Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented the keynote paper on Ocean Science- Gateway to Sustainable Development. Vice-Chancellor of the University Rear Admiral M Khaled Iqbal (retd) delivered the welcome address of the seminar.

In his address, the Chief Guest emphasized on the significance of United Nations Decade of Ocean Science and stressed the importance of maritime research and education in the implementation of the Hon’ble Prime Minister's Blue-Economy Policy to ensure the immense potential of the country's blue economy, and hoped that Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University will play a leading role in this regard. The Special Guest emphasized on the various uses of ocean science and scope of new researches for the sustainable development of Bangladesh. An Illustrative Journal on Ocean Science was also unveiled during this occasion.

A good number of maritime experts and academicians from India, Portugal, Netherlands, England and the host Bangladesh presented their papers at the seminar. Representatives from various Ministries, UGC, civil and military officers, different universities, diplomats and maritime organizations were also present. The faculty members, students and various officials of BSMRMU also attended the seminar.

There were total 02 plenary sessions and 03 Parallel Technical Sessions in the seminar. In addition, poster presentations were organized in the seminar with the participation of students from various universities.