Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman M..

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh organised Seminar on "Smart Bangladesh"

24 June 2024

The only Maritime University of Bangladesh Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University, Bangladesh organised a seminar titled "Smart Bangladesh" at the temporary Campus in Dhaka. The honorable Vice-Chancellor of the University Rear Admiral Mohammad Musa, OSP, NPP, rcds, afwc, psc, PhD chaired as Chief Guest of the Seminar. The resource person Mr. Dwijendra Chandra Das, the focal point of Innovation of UGC, presented his paper on “The University Initiative and Execution to Build Smart Bangladesh". The other resource person was the Chief e-Governance a2i Dr. Forhad Zahid Shaikh, who presented the paper on "Role of Universities & Maritime Sectors in Developing Smart Bangladesh". During the seminar honorable Vice Chancellor handed over the prizes to the winners of the Innovation Showcasing.  The seminar were attended by the representative from the Bangladesh Marine Academies & Marine Fisheries Academy. In line with the smart Bangladesh initiative, the university adopted D-Nothi, BSMRMU Integrated Management System (BIMS), Learning Management System (LMS), Online Leave Management, Online Financial Management, Virtual Classroom, Online Library Management etc.