BSMRMU observes Independence Day

BSMRMU observes Independence Day

Dhaka, 26 March 2023

Independence Day was celebrated by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University in proper manner at its campus. The Vice Chancellor of the University, Rear Admiral Mohammad Musa graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. The university's Treasurer, Registrar, Deans, Faculty members, Students, Officers, and Staffs attended the function.

The day's program began with the national anthem. On the occasion of Independence Day, poetry recitation, essay competition, painting, photography and concept art competitions were organized with the participation of students. At the end of the ceremony, the Vice Chancellor of the University distributed the prizes among the winners. Also, as part of the Independence Day and National Day-2023 celebrations, Iftar, Dua and Monajat were organized.